The Mi Smart Band 4, which was launched in 2019, earned praise for its affordable price and competitive features compared to rival companies Fitbit and Samsung. With the release of the Mi Smart Band 5 in 2020, the latest in the line of Xiaomi’s smart bands, budget-conscious fitness enthusiasts have a new tool to add to their health tracking arsenal. But will it be as well-received as its predecessor?
Price of Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 5
The Xiaomi Mi Band 5 currently sits at around ₹2,499. This is around a third of the cost of its closest competitor, the Fitbit Inspire HR Smartband, which ranges in price from ₹7,367 to ₹8,499. At this price, it’s a complete steal, and one of the reasons Xiaomi is praised as an affordable alternative when it comes to gadgets.
Features and specifications of Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 5
To build the Mi Smart Band 5, Xiaomi’s engineers have worked to enhance their design efficiency, taking what’s good about the Mi Band 4 and improving on those points. Through the hierarchical schematic organization, individual components are made to work seamlessly for a streamlined overall design, resulting in the following new features:
Improved display. With a 1.1-inch, 126×294 resolution AMOLED touchscreen, the Mi Smart Band 5 is a considerable upgrade from the previous generation in terms of display. The interface is vibrant, responsive, and easy to view under the glare of sunlight, perfect for exercising outdoors.
Magnetic charging. The Mi Smart Band 5 does away with the Mi Smart Band 4’s short cable connector and replaces it with a charger that connects to the device via magnetic pins. Users no longer have to detach the capsule from the band in order to charge, making it more convenient for charging.
Menstrual and ovulation cycle features. The Mi Band 5 also tracks menstrual and ovulation phases to provide female users with useful reminders to tailor their fitness routines during these intervals.
More sports tracking. The Mi Band 5 can now record data for 11 sports modes, compared to the Mi Band 4’s six. The new additions include indoor cycling, rowing machine, jump rope, elliptical, yoga, and jump rope exercises.
- Improved heart rate monitoring. Xiaomi’s new smart band utilizes PPG biosensors, improving heart rate monitoring accuracy by 50%. Additionally, this data is used by the band’s Personal Activity Intelligence (PAI) vitality index – a new feature that gives you an idea of how much exercise you need to stay healthy.
On the other hand, there are also cons holding the Mi Smart Band 5 back. For one, its battery is slightly weaker than older models. It can function up to 14 days without charging – considerable, but still less than the Mi Smart Band 4’s 20 days.
Global editions of the smart band also lack some of the features of the Chinese variant, including NFC support, voice assistance, and a pulse oximeter for SpO2 readings. Lastly, the device can look rather bland, which can be an issue for users looking for both functionality and style.
All that said, the Mi Smart Band 5 still offers great value for your money, as is the promise of most Xiaomi devices. For new and seasoned fitness enthusiasts looking to track their health without forking out a lot of cash, you can’t go wrong with Xiaomi’s latest fitness band.